Jangan Salah! Ini 5 Fakta dan Mitos seputar Jaringan 5G

Siapa yang sudah tidak sabar menunggu kehadiran Jaringan 5G? Jaringan yang dikabarkan super cepat ini sudah dalam tahap percobaan di berbagai negara dan telah resmi diluncurkan di Indonesia tepatnya pada 27 Mei 2021 silam. Setidaknya terdapat banyak wilayah besar yang dipastikan akan menjadi tempat di mana 5G dapat beroperasi. Wilayah tersebut mencakup Jabodetabek, Medan, Balikpapan, […]
Survei: Performa Bisnis Meningkat 80% dengan Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing adalah proses pengolahan data atau informasi yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet, sehingga pengguna atau siapapun yang memiliki akses dapat mengelola data walau hanya melalui sambungan internet. Penggunaan Cloud Computing menjadi tren yang semakin marak diterapkan di perusahaan, terlebih di tengah pandemi seperti sekarang ini karena sistem Work From Home yang diwajibkan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona. Tapi […]
Why a free afternoon each week can boost employees’ sense.

Doubling my 9–5 salary several times in my career is something I never thought would happen. My career went from startup land to call center operator in a short space of time. That meant going from six-figures down to the minimum wage in my home country of Australia. And to top it off, I have […]
We can blend colors multiple ways, the most common

Doubling my 9–5 salary several times in my career is something I never thought would happen. My career went from startup land to call center operator in a short space of time. That meant going from six-figures down to the minimum wage in my home country of Australia. And to top it off, I have […]
We can blend colors multiple ways, the most common

Doubling my 9–5 salary several times in my career is something I never thought would happen. My career went from startup land to call center operator in a short space of time. That meant going from six-figures down to the minimum wage in my home country of Australia. And to top it off, I have […]