Financial Services Authority Regulations (POJK) and Bank Indonesia Regulations (PBI) are two sets of regulations that were released to control various facets of the operations of financial service institutions, including banks, finance institutions, insurance companies, securities companies, and other financial institutions.
A financial services institution must conduct an IT audit in line with POJK No. 1/POJK.05/2017 concerning Implementation of the Audit Function for Financial Services Institutions in order to audit its information technology (IT) systems.

Why We Need?

Who Requires it?

Financial sector that complies with laws and regulations, including insurance and fintech


IT Master Plan

Pentingnya IT Master Plan dalam Perusahaan

Perkembangan zaman membuat penggunaan teknologi informasi atau Information Technology  (IT) semakin meningkat. Tak hanya untuk operasional sehari-hari, tetapi

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